Thursday 17 October 2013

October Empties!

Hello everyone, how are you..? Im quite good too, I presume you asked... Oh, you didn't? Oh ok, on with the show, Wednesdays half hearted attempt at a joke, oh dear!

Today's post is my October Empties! I haven't used this many new products this month however the new one I have started to use are on the whole pretty good!

Number one is Bioderma, before you all go gaga at me saying 'Bioderma, you've never used it oh my god!', I bought it about a year ago, and never used it, it sat on my dressing table gathering dust and back at the end of september, I started thinking, where is my Bioderma, and low and behold there it was, staring right back at me! I have been loving it, I have used a small small bottle and can't wait to get a new one! It makes my face feel so soft and rejuvenated, If I only recommend one thing to you on this blog it really would be Bioderma, hands down. 

Number two, in my opinion is a very under rated facial scrub. Its the St. Ives blemish reducing apricot scrub. Let me first of all say that it smells absolutely glorious, and insanely fresh! It doesnt at all smell factory made and clinical, just very natural. I use it about one a week, I smother my face in it and go and lie down or do something for about 15 minutes and use it as a face mask. When you scrub it off, I like to go in circular motions and buff the skin and I find that that tends to do my skin wonders, it make my skin feel soft and gets rid of any blemishes I do have. It is very reasonably priced at £3.99 per tube. 

My third empty bottle is the Alberto Balsalm shampoo and condition set. You can pick the 2 up for £1.99 in many stores and it comes in so many lovely scents. My person favourites are the Raspberry and Juicy Apple. It's shampoo, it cleans my hair, I can't really say much more about it, It makes my hair feel so soft and shiny and is an incredible low end shampoo. The condition is also great, it visabley fixes split ends [I have so many!] and also makes my hair feel extra soft. What a bargain! 

My last empty bottle is the MAC brush cleaner. It cleans my brushes so so well, I really don't know why I didn't purchase it sooner! I bought this for spot cleaning. I don't have to wash them as often as I used to do and I found that an absolute pain. After all when you do have relatively expensive brushes [MAC, Sigma and Real techniques] you really don't want to be throwing them out because they have gone crusty, it just makes my life 10x easier! However I'm not keen on the bottle, I find I incur a lot of waste so upon my next purchase I may buy a spray bottle to direct the fluid.

.My first empties post is complete, Have you been loving any products? Let me know!

Bye bye for now xxx

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