Wednesday 9 October 2013

September Favourites!

Sorry for the lack of posts, I have been super lazy recently, indulging in sleeping, eating and shopping in any free time I may have. In the UK in years 10 & 11 you take the most important exams of your life so far. I have just started year 10 and have had such a magnitude of work, I have had hardly anytime to enjoy my life, consequently meaning a lack of time to blog. We are no in October *dances* and getting further into the year (ok, it is only a month but still), my life is getting back to normal, not as much homework, not as many extra curricular activities, it feels good to finally start to regaining my life!

So let it begin... Drum Roll Please, here are my September favourites! 

My first favourite which is without a doubt a serious addiction now, is Revlon Nail Polish's. I have several but find whenever I go into to town, BAMMM! Suddenly I find 2 more in my bag. I know, it's terrible, I am running out of space for nail varnishes and am just buying dupes of colours I already have, instead of buying totally different colours. These 2 are my current favourites.

Left to Right: Sweet tart and Charismatic.
My second favourite this month is MAC brushes. I have recently been using my Zoeva brushes (buy here, they are amazing!) but have started getting back into MAC. The main one I have been using recently is the 194 concealor brush. It is so soft and fluffy and really is amazing, it does wonders for my under eye circles!

MAC 194

My next favourite is a lipstick by Rimmel, in the shade 130 Oxford street pink, it is a fabulous barbie pink. I believe it is from their moisture renew collection which I absolutely love. It retails for around £6.50 and has lovely bright purple packaging. It also lasts a very long time, but i think that is down too, the hardish formula. But all in all, one of my favourite lipsticks of all time! 

Oxford Street Fuchsia

Moving onto one of my favourite palettes. It came in a sample gift set by Estee Lauder which I got for my birthday. I never used the palette and then upon a make up clear out, I came across it and I have fallen in love since. It has 4 lovely colours, Sugar Cube, Silver Bell, Tempting Mocha and Newport Blue. If you do manage to find it anywhere, would so definetly recommend purchasing it.

I have also been loving Miley Cyrus' new album 'Bangerz', it has so many great songs including her 2 massive hits 'Wrecking Ball' and 'We can't stop'. Some of my favourite songs on her album are '4x4', 'FU' and '#GETITRIGHT'. I did a post on Miley a while ago (read here) saying how excited I was for her new album and it has certainly not failed to fulfill my anticipation.

And finally, my last favourite is winter. I love winter. I can't wait for winter! I can't wait for snow, I can't wait for hot chocolate and cream and marshmallows, and Christmas jumpers and My birthday and Christmas itself and lights and cold days by the fire and Christmas dinner and, and, you can tell I'm excited, I thought so. But on a serious note, Christmas/any other religious festivals/atheist hoedowns, is a time for giving and remembering Jesus and helping people who are alone or cant afford a comfortable life. If you can, speak to one senior citizen and try and cheer them up, whether it is just a talk or if its a couple of good deeds to help them out. Or if you are feeling super nice, volunteer at a charity shop or a soup kitchen and for all you ambitious entrepreneurial people how about trying to raise money for a charity which helps out older people and homeless people or people in severe poverty, I guess what I'm trying to say is donate something this winter. Whether its an old toy for children in poverty, your time to a charity fundraiser, a blanket to help keep someone warm, every little helps.

What do you want for Christmas? I would love to know, it may give me some ides!

bye bye for now xxx


  1. nice blog you have here serrie! and thanks for the follow! stay in touch!
    -xo' abegail

  2. Aw thank you, its ok, I love your blog! xx
