Tuesday 15 October 2013

My tips to Clear Skin!

Welcome back to my blog, today I'm going to show you my almost fail proof way to get clear skin! Now I know nobody is perfect and neither is their skin however by following these simple rules, I'm pretty sure that you can come rather close to clear skin. I am by no means an expert and I am not a doctor, so you will be following these tips at your own risk however I'm not sure anything can actually go wrong, they are just simple lifestyle tips and tricks [If you suffer from acne or a skin problem I can't gurantee this will work]!

1) Wash your face! I find the best way to wash my face in the evening and morning is by using some warm water [To open your pores] and a bar of sensitive skin soap like Dove or Simple, something unscented and unperfumed [To remove any oils within your open pores]. After washing your face, pat it dry and now, this is where it gets a bit weird, rub an ice cube over your face to close your pores to stop any dirt getting into them.

2) This is probably the hardest step to keep up with, but it is to have a healthy varied balanced diet and to drink lots of water, by maintaining your bodies health, it will consequently aid your skin by looking naturally bright and radient. Seeing as I am not a dietician, I recomend checking out Eat well on the NHS.

3) Sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep and maybe a bit more sleep for luck. Quite often dark circles are caused by a lack of sleep, some are inherited however the vast majority are through sleep deprivation. You may say that you had 11 hours sleep last night and your dark circles still remain, how it is accumulative, have maybe a month or so of getting a great night sleep or going to bed whenever you start to feel sleepy, I can almost guarantee that it will do you so much good. It will also give you more energy to get up and go!

4) Try and have no make-up days. If you aren't going out or seeing anyone, try and go a day without make-up, or maybe if you are just popping to your local store, just wear minimal make-up, it makes your skin cleaner and not as clogged up and generally keep your skin in better condition for longer! Ps- If you do wear make-up, make sure you take it off!

5) Cleanse, Moisturize and tone, it is important to keep your skin moisturized, even if you do have oily skin. Toning isn't a must for younger people however you might as well if you are older and your skin isn't as in as great condition. 

6) Finally, be gentle with your skin, don't pull it super hard in directions because over time you will end up with wrinkles, you may not see them now but in time they will soon become visable!

So I hope these tips help you a little bit, I follow these and my skin is pretty much clear apart from a small patch of dermatitous around my nose.

Do you have any tips on clear skin? If so I'd love to hear!

Bye bye for now xxx

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