Tuesday 17 September 2013

Ickle Baby Bot

I went shopping in Lush on Sunday.. I may have purchased a couple of things too..

Ok I confess, I bought 11 bath bombs, and yes I know this may sound excessive, but when you are there in Lush, the smell affects your brain, makes you do things you probably wouldn't
normally do... it's like they put  'Buy me'  essence into each bath bomb.

 So yes I purchased:

  • Ickle Baby Bot
  • Space Girl
  • Honey Bee
  • Sex Bomb
  • Dragon' Egg
  • Happy Pill  (makes me very happy!)
  • Phoenix rising
  • Fizz Banger
  • Rose Queen
  • Think Pink
  • Butter Ball
Many of these I have already used before apart from Butter Ball, Space Girl and Ickle Baby Bot. Last night, I had a bath *Gasp*, and used Ickle Baby Bot and it is incredible. I currently have a cold and have been having trouble sleeping, sometimes taking a couple of hours to get off too sleep and with this bath bomb, I literally passed out the second my head hit the pillow, (maybe a slight exaggeration, but nevertheless a damn sight faster than usual). This is down to the 3 sleep inducing oils, Chamomile, Lavender and Sandle Wood.

Lush claims that its Ickle Baby Bot will 'Exterminate tiredness and send your baby off to the land of nod' which it 100% does. I love this Bath Bomb and would definitely repurchase, seeing as it is only £1.95 and is by far one of my favorite. 

Besides, who wouldn't want an adorable, blue robot to spruce up your bath time! :)

Lush is
fighting animal testing. Click Here to find out more.

Bye bye for now xxx

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