Wednesday 18 September 2013

Rediscovering Old loves #1 - Miley Cyrus

It probably won't come as much as a surprise to anyone, about 8 years ago, my life pretty much revolved around the whole 'Miley Cyrus' and 'Hannah Montanna' saga. I had all her CD's, album soundtracks, the films themselves and somewhere, even tape recordings of the TV programmes, yes, I did just say Tape haha.

 Now almost a decade on, Miley Cyrus' reinvented image has hooked me yet again. Yes, there has been some controversy about Miley's new look, however, who really cares? As long as she can still produce good new music with a catchy beat, I don't have a problem with her 
new  'bad gal' style, after all, she can't be known as Hannah forever!?!

I Love the new Miley and can't wait for her newest Album 'Bangerz' to be available

What do you think of her new look? Love it or Loathe it, just don't forget it!

 Bye bye for now xxx

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